- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Who We Are
- Published: 03 March 2014
- Hits: 7504
Citizen Action Transparency and Accountability (CARTA) Program
Ensured Good Governance at Community Level:
A Challenge
‘Ensured Good Governance at Community Level: A Challenge’ is a third party monitoring project which focuses on looking at the micro-crediting component of SIPP, and specifically its governance aspects.
The objective of SIPP is to improve the livelihoods, quality of life and resilience to climate variability, natural hazards and other shocks of the rural poor, especially the left-out poor and vulnerable households by focusing on empowering the community, prioritizing support to poor, mainstreaming disaster risk, focusing on immediate employment, building and strengthening systems and linking with other programs funded.
Under the pronounced TPM project, key stakeholders from community level are Jibikayan Groups, Gram Samiti, and Social Audit Committees.
This sub-project will contribute to improving the existing governance practices of the village level institutions spotlighting on its micro-crediting scheme under SIPP in Jamalpur and Gaibandha districts. The objectives and outcomes of the project are given below:
General Objective: Contribute to improving the existing governance practices of the village level institutions spotlighting on its micro-crediting scheme under SIPP in Jamalpur and Gaibandha districts.
Outcome 1:Transparency and accountability of fund management, as well as the effectiveness of internal accountability and supervision mechanisms established in the framework of the micro-crediting scheme, are assessed
Methods/ tools to be used for pursuing this objective: Conducting survey based on FGD with community residents (users and non-users) and structured interviews with key informants to assess internal transparency and accountability
Outcome 2:Capacity of existing village micro-crediting supervision structures - JPs, JS and SAC - to ensure transparency and accountability of the micro-crediting scheme is improved
Methods/ tools to be used for pursuing this objective: Training key village level institutions, conducting Social Audit followed by public hearings and providing recommendation for improvement of the supervision of the micro-crediting schemes at the village level
This third party monitoring project incorporated 80 graduated villages out of 150, from Jamalpur and Gaibandha districts. The duration of this project is 12 months starting from 1 February 2014 to 31 january 2015.